Tuesday, June 19, 2012

George Carlin caused censorship!

Today I learned a little bit about censorship.  It's been going on forever, so my title is quite misleading, but somewhat true when it comes to American radio, TV, music, etc.

George Carlin came up with his routine about the "Seven dirty words you can never say on television" in 1972.  I will not list the words (self censoring, because anyone can type in 7 dirty words in google and have them in .02 seconds.) At that time, there was no official list and no official censorship board for television.  When George Carlin performed this routine in public, he was arrested for disturbing the peace.  He went on to put out another album with another dirty routine, which when aired on the radio led to complaints, which led to a court case, which led to a Supreme Court ruling which led to an official indecency regulation through the FCC.

So if you think Standards and Practices are a bit ridiculous, you can thank George Carlin.

I would like to thank Caustic Soda for today's information.  They use ALL the dirty words.

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