Sunday, June 10, 2012

Men's Hair and JPL

June 9/10, 2012

I learned about scalp pigmentation.  I'd driven by a place that advertised it in the window, and had no idea what they were doing and came home and looked it up.  So basically the idea is that they tattoo a bunch of dots on a guys head to make it look like they have the barest amount of stubble.

I guess what you really have to decide is "what color and where should my hairline be?" I would love to see this up close just to see what it really looks like.

I guess if women can get their makeup tattooed on, why not men's hair?

Yesterday we went to JPL for their annual open house.  It's always really cool to see all the people who turn up.  Yesterday there was a guy in full Vulcan Elder costume.  Tons of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.  I love something that gets kids excited about science.  The coolest thing we saw yesterday was getting to go in to mission control.  We actually got to walk on the floor where all the people sit when they're controlling "space stuff."  We got to see the room that all the scientists will be in when the Mars Rover Curiosity lands.

And I learned there's an asteroid named after Anne Frank.

1 comment:

  1. One of my great field trips was to the Boeing satellite factory in Manhattan Beach and then over to the PanAmSat flight center where they "fly" their geostationary communications satellites. They have to send instructions to the satellites almost daily to keep them positioned in the "box".
