Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

Today I learned about the street lamps in the rite aid parking lot.  I've driven by a million times, parked in the lot, and wondered "why?"  Today on my way home I decided to finally take a picture (I'm in love with instagram right now) and look it up online.

It's an art installation.  No surprise there.  I like reading the plaques to find out where they were pulled from.

Today I also decided to look up something that has bothered me.  People always say "lineal feet" (of hallway, millwork, wall base, etc) and it always strikes me as wrong.  I say "linear feet."  Turns out linear feet is correct and lineal feet is incorrect.  Linear - measurement. Lineal - heritage.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... thank you for clearing the linear feet term up. I'll never for get that. It's like the time I heard a plumbing engineer get angry over "hot water heater" You don't heat hot water. I have, ever since, been amazed at how often I hear it and who says it.
